International Meeting for Autism Research (May 7 - 9, 2009): Do Motor Difficulties Contribute to Peer Rejection and Social Isolation in �High-Functioning' Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders?

Do Motor Difficulties Contribute to Peer Rejection and Social Isolation in �High-Functioning' Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders?

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Northwest Hall (Chicago Hilton)
2:30 PM
M. Murin , Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
L. Slator , Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
W. Mandy , Sub-department of Clinical-Health Psychology, University College London, London, United Kingdom
D. H. Skuse , Behavioural and Brain Sciences, Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom

Motor difficulties are described, by DSM-IV-TR, as possible contributors to peer rejection and social isolation among children with Asperger syndrome. No previous study has explicitly measured the independent contribution made by motor competence or clumsiness/dyspraxia to peer relationships among children with ‘high-functioning’ autism, Asperger syndrome, or other pervasive developmental disorders.


We aimed to examine the impact of measures of gross and fine motor skills, current clumsiness and dyspraxia, upon parent and teacher and reports of peer relationships and social rejection, in a large heterogeneous sample of ‘high functioning’ children with Asperger syndrome, autism, or PDD-NOS.


Data from parental report were analysed for a sample of 303 children (4-16 years, mean age 9.0 yrs) from London, UK, which had been subject to comprehensive and standardized autism assessments (including ADI algorithm, ADOS). All subjects had normal-range intelligence. Diagnoses were defined according to DSM-IV-TR criteria, and comprised autism (N=106), Asperger syndrome (N=97), PDD-NOS (N=100). Measures of motor competence included developmental motor milestones, current fine and gross motor skills, and a dyspraxia/clumsiness index. Domains were derived by principal components analysis of a validated parent-report scale. Peer relations were measured by parent/teacher rated Social Difficulties Questionnaire peer relations score, and other standardized measures of peer acceptance or rejection.


Children with autism had similar gross motor skill deficits to those with Asperger and PDD-NOS. Fine motor skill deficits were significantly worse in both autistic and Asperger groups, in relation to PDD-NOS. Our measure of dyspraxia/clumsiness also indicated relatively more impairment in the autistic group than other diagnostic categories.

We tested the hypothesis that, controlling for the severity of non-motor autistic symptoms in all three domains of autistic disorder (i.e. ADI-R algorithm scores for qualitative abnormalities in social interaction, qualitative abnormalities in communication and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviour), motor competence would account for a significant proportion of the variance in measures of peer acceptance. We found that impairments in gross motor skills (but not fine motor skills, or dyspraxia/clumsiness) independently predicted the degree of peer relationship difficulties, but the size of the effect was small (standardized beta, 0.14, p=0.018). There was no moderating effect of gender. The impact of the motor problems was similar in all three categories of diagnosis.


Motor skill deficits, and dyspraxia/clumsiness are similar in children with ‘high-functioning’ autism and Asperger syndrome. Such difficulties are commonly assumed to contribute to peer-relationship problems, independent of the severity of autistic symptoms that contribute to phenotypic definition. Ours is the first study to test this hypothesis in a large sample, using standardized measures. We found a small but significant impact, relating significantly and exclusively to gross motor abilities.

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