International Meeting for Autism Research: Language, Emotion, and Face Processing

Language, Emotion, and Face Processing

Saturday, May 14, 2011: 8:00 AM-1:00 PM
Elizabeth Ballroom E-F and Lirenta Foyer Level 2 (Manchester Grand Hyatt)
9:00 AM
71 Early Word Learning In Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Implications for Eye-Tracking Trajectories In Autism and Fragile X Syndrome
D. P. Benjamin, A. McDuffie, S. W. Harris, S. T. Kover, A. M. Mastergeorge, R. J. Hagerman and L. Abbeduto
9:00 AM
74 Preference Choices and Gaze to Faces In High-Functioning Autism
A. Gharib, D. Mier, R. Adolphs and S. Shimojo
10:00 AM
75 Pupillary Responses During Audio-Visual Speech Perception
J. M. Bebko, M. Slusarczyk, L. N. Hancock and S. M. Brown
10:00 AM
78 Assessing Face Processing Impairment In ASD Using the Benton Facial Recognition Test
S. A. Anderson, K. Loggins, D. L. Robins and T. Z. King
9:00 AM
80 Emerging Language and Social Abilities In ASD: Reciprocal Effects?
T. A. Bennett, P. Szatmari, S. Georgiades, E. Duku, A. Thompson, S. E. Bryson, E. Fombonne, P. Mirenda, W. Roberts, I. M. Smith, T. Vaillancourt, J. Volden, C. Waddell and L. Zwaigenbaum
9:00 AM
83 Using Emotional Signals to Make Sense of People's Actions – Autism and Typical Development
G. Vivanti, C. McCormick, G. S. Young, S. Ozonoff and S. J. Rogers
10:00 AM
84 Perception of Emotions From Facial Expressions In High-Functioning Adults with Autism
D. P. Kennedy, B. C. F. Cheng, C. R. Holcomb and R. Adolphs
11:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
87 Is Face Recognition Selectively Impaired In Children with ASD?
K. Koldewyn, S. Weigelt and N. G. Kanwisher
11:00 AM
88 Face Processing In Persons with Asperger Syndrome
T. S. Falkmer and M. S. Falkmer
9:00 AM
89 Vocal Emotion Recognition In Autism Spectrum Disorders: When Psychoacoustics Meet Cognition
O. Golan, E. Globerson, M. Lavidor, L. Kishon-Rabin and N. Amir
11:00 AM
91 Impaired Face Recognition In Autism Spectrum Disorder: Local Bias or No Bias?
H. C. Leonard, D. Annaz, A. Karmiloff-Smith and M. H. Johnson
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
94 Early Childhood Language In Autism Spectrum Disorders and Fragile X Syndrome
E. M. Quintin, A. A. Lightbody, H. C. Hazlett, J. Piven and A. Reiss
10:00 AM
96 Electrophysiological Response to Words In Infants at Risk for ASD
A. Seery, W. Talcott, V. Vogel-Farley, H. Tager-Flusberg and C. A. Nelson
11:00 AM
97 5-HTTLPR In Relation to Behavioral and Emotional Self-Regulation In Children with High Functioning Autism
K. E. Ono, H. A. Henderson, L. Mohapatra, N. Kojkowski and P. C. Mundy
9:00 AM
98 Differential Scanning of Core Facial Features In 12- and 18-Month-Old High Risk Infants
J. B. Wagner, R. Luyster, H. Tager-Flusberg and C. A. Nelson
11:00 AM
100 Differential Sensitivity to Synthetic Face Stimuli Across Viewpoint In Autism
K. Morin, C. Habak, H. R. Wilson, A. Perreault, L. Pagani, L. Mottron and A. Bertone
10:00 AM
105 Where's Wendy? Toddlers with ASD Exhibit Limited Attentional Capture by Faces
M. Coffman, F. Shic, M. Meltvedt, J. Bradshaw and K. Chawarska
9:00 AM
107 Recognition of Context-Dependent Emotion In Autism
O. Tudusciuc and R. Adolphs
10:00 AM
108 Diadochokinetic Rate and Accuracy In Autism Spectrum Disorders
J. J. Diehl, J. Preston and L. Bennetto
9:00 AM
110 Immediate Recall of Faces with Positive Emotions Correlates with Density of Eye Movements During REM Sleep In Children with Autism
S. Tessier, A. Lambert, A. C. Rochette, E. Chevrier, P. B. Scherzer, L. Mottron and R. Godbout