Lessons Learned in Performing Secondary Analysis Using NDAR

Saturday, May 16, 2015: 11:30 AM-1:30 PM
Imperial Ballroom (Grand America Hotel)
J. M. Tilford, Dept. of Health Policy and Management, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR
Background: Data from over 80,000 research subjects across many research areas and modalities are now shared in autism and data across other areas of mental health related to the research domain criteria initiative (RDoC) are expected in 2015. Objectives: An overview of the current capabilities to query by lab, paper, phenotypical concept, omic variation, and research subject, coupled with the ability to link results, methods, metadata and outcome measures directly to a publication will be discussed. Methods: Community input on new capabilities and needed improvements to existing infrastructure will be solicited helping improve the infrastructure already available.  Results: Examples of efforts to use NDAR for scientific discovery, result replication of research aims, and the different types of data becoming available will be presented.   Conclusions: Understanding how to best use NDAR, the lessons learned in using this infrastructure, the data it contains, and how to improve the data being shared for secondary analysis will be presented.
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