Saturday, May 14, 2011: 10:45 AM
Elizabeth Ballroom A-C (Manchester Grand Hyatt)
9:45 AM
School is the setting in which individuals with HFASD are facing most of their social challenges in development: they have to interact efficiently with their peers as well as understand their peers’ social and emotional behavior. As such, school-based social interventions are considered advantageous for the enhancement of social functioning in these children. However, using an ecological/multifaceted school based intervention that will be implemented by the teacher, and will include the child’s peers and parents, can be challenging to implement. In this presentation, evidenced-based, multifaceted CBT-approaches for social intervention implemented at school, using teachers as intervention leaders and combining both peer and parent mediation, will be presented with an emphasis on individual differences in social curriculum and intervention modalities (such as dyadic versus group treatment). Current methodological issues will be considered as well future research directions.