As awareness of ASD and diagnosis continues to grow globally, an unprecedented number of parents are in search of services for their children. In the absence of formal teacher training programs and experienced professionals, let alone evidence-based programs, parent training and parent mediated intervention play a critically important role in intervention for families who may otherwise have limited options. The basic components of parent-focused training often overlap, including the content covered, methods, and intended outcomes. However, the challenge is to either identify interventions or combine aspects of intervention that address local needs, have social validity, and are feasible in different settings-- including in low and middle income countries (LMIC) and underresourced settings. In this symposium, we present approaches to parent training at three stages of development and from six diverse settings: exploration of parent needs in a remote part of Morocco; adaptation and implementation of Responsive Teaching and applied behavior analysis in Turkey, Poland, and Mexico; and evaluation of a model focused on parent empowerment and acceptance in India. Each presentation will outline the rationale behind the approach, structure of the program, and will discuss lessons learned that inform parent training across a broad context and with diverse populations.
Saturday, 4 May 2013: 14:00-16:00
Auditorium (Kursaal Centre)
Session Chair:
M. Yeargin-Allsopp
Panel Chair:
M. Yeargin-Allsopp
See more of: Educational Symposia