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Language Development

This session provides a review of language development in children with ASD. Papers address topics including the rate of nonverbal children with ASD, atypical syntax and narrative skills, and changes in language across development.
Thursday, 2 May 2013: 14:30-16:30
Meeting Room 1-2 (Kursaal Centre)
Longitudinal Look At Expressive, Receptive and Total Language Development in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A. Cariello S. E. Tolley M. D. Prigge E. S. Neeley N. Lange A. L. Alexander A. L. Froehlich E. D. Bigler J. E. Lainhart
How Many Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Are Functionally Nonverbal?
P. Mirenda I. M. Smith J. Volden P. Szatmari S. E. Bryson E. Fombonne W. Roberts T. Vaillancourt C. Waddell L. Zwaigenbaum S. Georgiades E. Duku A. Thompson
Agreement Across Multiple Modes of Language Assessment in Minimally Verbal Children with Autism
C. DiStefano K. Goods K. K. Krueger C. Kasari A. P. Kaiser J. P. Nietfeld P. Mathy R. Landa