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Cognition and Behavior II - Cognition

Friday, 3 May 2013: 14:00-18:00
Banquet Hall (Kursaal Centre)
137 Assessing the Perceptual Origins of Cognitive Peaks in Autism
V. M. Doobay V. A. Bao D. Tullo L. Mottron A. Bertone
143 Evaluating Executive Functions As Endophenotypes of Autism Spectrum Disorders
L. Van Eylen J. Steyaert E. Ceulemans J. Wagemans I. Noens
144 Executive Functioning and Behavior Problems in Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders
E. M. Visser H. Berger J. Prins H. Schrojenstein Lantman - de Valk J. P. Teunisse
145 Exploring the Cognitive Underpinnings of the Autism Phenotype
V. E. Brunsdon E. Colvert E. L. Woodhouse P. F. Bolton F. Happe
155 Object-Location Memory in Autism Spectrum Disorder
M. Ring D. M. Bowler S. B. Gaigg
158 Semantic Memory Structure in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
K. M. Rancourt J. H. Filliter P. A. McMullen S. A. Johnson
159 The Factor Structure of the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders Replicates the Normative Sample
Y. Granader B. E. Yerys G. L. Wallace R. Lawson M. Rosenthal M. Wills E. Dixon L. G. Anthony J. Pandey R. Thompson R. T. Schultz L. Kenworthy
161 Transitive Inference Learning in Children and Adolescents with ASD
J. Beck P. C. Mundy W. Jarrold K. Kim M. Gwaltney N. McIntyre S. Novotny L. Swain T. Oswald M. Solomon
162 Understanding Time Estimation in Autism Spectrum Disorders
J. A. Burack C. Gordon Green H. Flores J. L. Ringo D. Brodeur
169 Lack of Embodied Effects On Stimulus Encoding in High-Functioning Autism
I. M. Eigsti G. Col-Cozzari D. Rosset D. Da Fonseca C. Deruelle
170 Cognitive Alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
C. Cantio S. J. White J. R. M. Jepsen G. F. Madsen N. Bilenberg
171 Endogenous Spatial Attention: Evidence for Intact Functioning in Adults with Autism
M. A. Grubb M. Behrmann R. Egan N. J. Minshew M. Carrasco D. J. Heeger
175 Working Memory and Inhibition in ASD
M. de Vries H. M. Geurts
176 Source Memory Difficulties Under Varying Task Demands in ASD
D. M. Bowler S. Semino S. B. Gaigg