Evaluating Outcomes in Social Skills Training

Saturday, May 13, 2017: 2:10 PM-3:00 PM
Yerba Buena 8 (Marriott Marquis Hotel)
E. A. Laugeson
2:34 PM
Changes in EEG Asymmetry, ERP to Affective Stimuli, and Social Motivation and Cognition in Young Adults Completing PEERS® Intervention
B. Dolan A. Barrington H. K. Schiltz A. J. McVey S. Stevens K. A. Willar J. S. Karst W. Krueger C. Suhling D. Snyder R. McKindles K. Reiter S. Potts C. Caiozzo A. D. Haendel S. Timmer-Murillo S. Chesney N. Gordon A. V. Van Hecke
2:46 PM
Caregiver Vs. Adolescent Report of Internalizing Symptoms and Relationship to Physiological Arousal Across the PEERS® Intervention
A. Arias A. J. McVey H. K. Schiltz A. D. Haendel B. Dolan K. A. Willar S. Stevens J. S. Karst A. M. Carson F. Mata-Greve E. Vogt K. M. Rivera E. Habisohn J. Hilger N. Fritz A. V. Van Hecke