Challenging Theories of ASD

Saturday, May 12, 2018: 1:45 PM-2:35 PM
Willem Burger Zaal (de Doelen ICC Rotterdam)
1:45 PM
Contextual Priors Do Not Modulate Action Anticipation in Children with Autism
L. Amoruso A. Narzisi M. Pinzino A. Finisguerra F. Fabbro A. Volzone S. Calderoni F. Muratori C. Urgesi
2:09 PM
Interoceptive Impairments Do Not Lie at the Heart of Autism or Alexithymia
T. Nicholson D. M. Williams C. Grainger S. B. Gaigg B. Calvo-Merino J. F. Christensen
2:21 PM
Domain-Specific Impairment in Flexible Value Learning in Young Children with ASD
Q. Wang L. DiNicola P. Heymann M. Hampson K. Chawarska