Parents As Mediators of Intervention and Functioning of Children and Adolescents with ASD

From infancy to adulthood, parents are the key support figures of their children with ASD. However, parents’ role in mediating the socialization of their children (Haven, Manangan, Sparrow, & Wilson, 2014), their role in overcoming obstacles associated with the diagnosis and with its comorbid conditions (Hayes & Watson, 2012), and their collaboration with professionals in the promotion of treatment (McConachie & Diggle, 2007), have mostly been studied in toddlers and preschoolers. The current panel examines how parenting practices are associated with the manifestation of their children’s social communication and restricted and repetitive behaviors in childhood and adolescence, and how parental involvement with their children, and with therapists, promotes treatment-related progress in children and adolescents with ASD, in both core ASD symptoms and comorbid psychopathology. Taking a closer look into parental mediation of intervention and functioning of children and adolescents with ASD is of importance (Burrell & Borrego, 2012), as it may allow for personalized intervention to be based not only on the characteristics of the child, but also on those of the child’s closest support figure – the parent. The nature of these characteristics will be presented and discussed in the panel.
Friday, May 3, 2019: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM
Room: 524 (Palais des congres de Montreal)
Panel Chair:
O. Golan
E. A. Laugeson
10:30 AM
Family Accommodation in Autism
I. Feldman Y. Duchovni E. Ben-Itzchak E. R. Lebowitz D. A. Zachor J. Koller
10:55 AM