Neural Underpinnings of Prosody Processing in Autism
Processing of Affective Information in Face, Voice, and Situational Contexts in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Randomized Study Contrasting Behavioral and Naturalistic Approaches to Inducing Speech in Prelinguistic Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Preliminary Analysis
Rich Spontaneous, Social Engagement with a Dinosaur Robot
Preverbal Vocalizations in Infant Siblings of Children with ASD
Vocal Prosody in Autism: Understanding the Effects of Enhancing Vocal Prosody on Children's Comprehension and Retention of Story Narratives
Processing of Affective Information in Face, Voice, and Situational Contexts in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Randomized Study Contrasting Behavioral and Naturalistic Approaches to Inducing Speech in Prelinguistic Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Preliminary Analysis
Rich Spontaneous, Social Engagement with a Dinosaur Robot
Preverbal Vocalizations in Infant Siblings of Children with ASD
Vocal Prosody in Autism: Understanding the Effects of Enhancing Vocal Prosody on Children's Comprehension and Retention of Story Narratives
Diminished Variability of Neural Circuits in Autism: MEG Studies of Tactile Evoked Response
A Comparison of Parent and Teacher ADHD Ratings in Children with Autism
Parent and Teacher Ratings of Executive Function Deficits Related to ADHD--Not Autistic--Symptomatology
The Effect of Age and IQ on the Acquisition of Adaptive Skills in Girls with Autism
A Comparison of Parent and Teacher ADHD Ratings in Children with Autism
Parent and Teacher Ratings of Executive Function Deficits Related to ADHD--Not Autistic--Symptomatology
The Effect of Age and IQ on the Acquisition of Adaptive Skills in Girls with Autism
Examination of Mitochondrial Variation in Autism
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Autism Reveals a Common Novel Risk Locus at 5p14.1
Sex Differences in Repetitive Sterotyped Behaviors in Autism: Multiplex Versus Singleton Families
A High Resolution CNV Survey of the GABA Gene Family and Additional Autism Candidate Genes
Family-Based Association Study of the X Chromosome Reveals ASD Genes
Molecular Investigation of An Autism Risk Association Region on Chromosome 5p14.1
Novel Variants Identified in Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein Genes in Autistic Individuals
The Influence of Gender and Speech on Autism Symptomatology as Measured by the ADI-R
The Effects of Age, Gender, Race, and Level of Speech on Problem Behaviors in a Sample of Children and Adolescents
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Autism Reveals a Common Novel Risk Locus at 5p14.1
Sex Differences in Repetitive Sterotyped Behaviors in Autism: Multiplex Versus Singleton Families
A High Resolution CNV Survey of the GABA Gene Family and Additional Autism Candidate Genes
Family-Based Association Study of the X Chromosome Reveals ASD Genes
Molecular Investigation of An Autism Risk Association Region on Chromosome 5p14.1
Novel Variants Identified in Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein Genes in Autistic Individuals
The Influence of Gender and Speech on Autism Symptomatology as Measured by the ADI-R
The Effects of Age, Gender, Race, and Level of Speech on Problem Behaviors in a Sample of Children and Adolescents
Participation of Children with ASD in Social, Recreational, and Leisure Activities
Maladaptive Behaviours and Associated Characteristics within Individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disability
Is Autism a Unitary Construct? Factor Structure of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Are Standard Scores Higher on the New Vineland?
Evaluation of Child and Treatment Variables Related to Communication Outcomes Using the Picture Exchange Communication System
Outcomes in Adolescents and Adults with Autism
Maladaptive Behaviours and Associated Characteristics within Individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disability
Is Autism a Unitary Construct? Factor Structure of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale
Are Standard Scores Higher on the New Vineland?
Evaluation of Child and Treatment Variables Related to Communication Outcomes Using the Picture Exchange Communication System
Outcomes in Adolescents and Adults with Autism
Factors That Influence Age of Identification of Children with Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified
Expression of the Broad Autism Phenotype in First Degree Relatives from the Simons Simplex Collection
Parental History of Mood/Affective Disorders and Regression among Children with ASD: Results from AGRE Families
Expression of the Broad Autism Phenotype in First Degree Relatives from the Simons Simplex Collection
Parental History of Mood/Affective Disorders and Regression among Children with ASD: Results from AGRE Families
Representing Behavioral Phenotypic Heterogeneity within Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Questions and Answers from the Simons Simplex Collection
Characterization of Restricted and Repetitive Behavior and Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorders within and beyond the ADI-R Using the Simons Simplex Collection
Characterisation of Cognitive Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Simons Simplex Collection
Characterization of Restricted and Repetitive Behavior and Interests in Autism Spectrum Disorders within and beyond the ADI-R Using the Simons Simplex Collection
Characterisation of Cognitive Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorder Using the Simons Simplex Collection
Eye Color as a Potential Clinical Phenotype of ASD
Factors That Influence the Psychosocial Wellbeing of Siblings of Children with An Autism Spectrum Disorder Compared to Siblings of Typically Developing Children
Trends in Diagnostic Testing Practices for ASD in a Population-Based Sample from Philadelphia County
ASD and Autism in the Community
Factors That Influence the Psychosocial Wellbeing of Siblings of Children with An Autism Spectrum Disorder Compared to Siblings of Typically Developing Children
Trends in Diagnostic Testing Practices for ASD in a Population-Based Sample from Philadelphia County
ASD and Autism in the Community
Screening with the First Year Inventory at 12 Months of Age and Diagnostic Outcomes at Two Years in a High-Risk Sample of �Infant Sibs�
Early Brain Development in Toddlers with Fragile X Syndrome Compared to Toddlers with Autism
Use of the Slicer3 Toolkit to Produce Regional Cortical Thickness Measurement of Pediatric MRI Data
Microstructure of Saccadic Behavior in High and Low-Risk Infants: Visual Scanning of Static Novel Faces
Task-Evoked Pupillary Response to Social Stimuli: Hypoactivation in Autism
Early Brain Development in Toddlers with Fragile X Syndrome Compared to Toddlers with Autism
Use of the Slicer3 Toolkit to Produce Regional Cortical Thickness Measurement of Pediatric MRI Data
Microstructure of Saccadic Behavior in High and Low-Risk Infants: Visual Scanning of Static Novel Faces
Task-Evoked Pupillary Response to Social Stimuli: Hypoactivation in Autism
Population Based Autism Screening Program Using MCHAT
Enviromental Risk Factors and ASD: Case-Control Study in Spain
Using the Spanish Version of MCHAT in a Population Based Autism Screening Program
Evaluation of a Population Screening Program Based on Paediatrician and Families Degree of Satisfaction
Enviromental Risk Factors and ASD: Case-Control Study in Spain
Using the Spanish Version of MCHAT in a Population Based Autism Screening Program
Evaluation of a Population Screening Program Based on Paediatrician and Families Degree of Satisfaction