The Psychophysiological and Psychological Effects of Ostracism in ASD

Thursday, May 15, 2014
Atrium Ballroom (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
E. M. Trimmer, S. McDonald, D. Mathersul and J. A. Rushby, Psychology, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia
Background:   Although individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder commonly experience social exclusion and ostracism at some stage in their lives, little is known about the way in which this is experienced. 

Objectives:   This study aims to examine and explore the psychological and physiological effects of ostracism in individuals with ASD compared with matched controls.

Methods:   Nine individuals aged 16 or older (9 males; mean age 33.67 years) with a diagnosis of ASD and 11 matched controls (6 males, 5 females; mean age 26) participated in an online game of ball tossing, Cyberball. Each participant played two games, both against fictional players: one game in which they were excluded from the game and another in which they were included and the ball was shared equally between players. Whilst playing, participants’ arousal level was monitored via skin conductance. Participants were also required to complete a self-report questionnaire about their experience and mood after both games. 

Results:   Individuals with ASD showed increased arousal compared with controls when playing the game (p = .05), both when excluded and included. Both groups showed higher skin conductance response to being ostracized than when included (p = .001). Furthermore, individuals with ASD did not demonstrate a reduction in arousal over the course of the game, as controls did. Psychological responses indicated that individuals with ASD showed similar patterns of responses to controls and shared the same social needs and mood. 

Conclusions:   The present findings suggest that individuals with ASD were more aroused and engaged in the game than controls, regardless of whether they were included or excluded. Individuals with ASD stayed focused throughout the game and did not disengage towards the end. No differences were found between the individuals with ASD and the control group in their perceptions of being ostracized. Individuals with ASD appeared to interpret negative feelings of exclusion and ostracism in a similar way to the control group.