Disclosure Index: M
Disclosure Index: M
Woodbine Publishing:
Receipt of royalties
Consulting fees
Coventry University:
Research grants
Christian Medical College, Vellore, South India:
Employment (full or part-time)
Geisinger Health System:
Employment (full or part-time)
NIH, Simons Foundation: Research grants
NIH, Simons Foundation: Research grants
Akili Interactive:
Employment (full or part-time)
Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center:
Employment (full or part-time)
Employment (full or part-time)
Dart Neuroscience:
Consulting fees
Think Now, Inc: Consulting fees
Brightech International: DSMB Chair, honoraria
Think Now, Inc: Consulting fees
Brightech International: DSMB Chair, honoraria
3C Institute:
Employment (full or part-time)
Simons Foundation:
Research grants
NIH: Research grants
NIH: Research grants
Geisinger Health System:
Employment (full or part-time)
Employment (full or part-time)
Electrical Geodesics, Inc:
Research grants
Geisinger Health System: Employment (full or part-time)
Geisinger Health System: Employment (full or part-time)