How Are Minimally Verbal Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Pragmatic Communication in a Different Medium?
Objectives: To compare the pragmatic communication profiles of MV children and adolescents with ASD by investigating gestural form and sign language use when engaging with a conversational partner.
Methods: Twenty-five MV children with ASD (19 males; Mage: 8.92 years) and 25 MV adolescents with ASD (19 males; Mage: 15.89 years) were administered the ADOS (n = 50 Module 1). Within this sample, five children (4 males; Mage: 9.91 years) and 8 adolescents (6 males; Mage: 15.35 years) used sign language. Of the 13 participants who used sign language, 12 used sign language and communicative gestures. Transcripts of the first 30 minutes of the ADOS sessions were coded for gestural form: reach, point, reach approximation, point approximation, nodding, and head shaking and sign language use, including the form of the sign (clear sign vs sign approximation). Sign function was assessed in terms of communicative intent: responding to a question, request, repetition, label, comment, and to acknowledge/agree/disagree with the conversational partner.
Results: Both participant age groups, on average, produced fewer than two gestures. The primary gestural form for both groups was a reach approximation (M = 3.36). Adolescents nodded more (Mean rank = 30) during the conversational interaction compared to children (Mean rank = 21; U = 200, p = .001, r = .46). The groups did not differ in reaching, pointing, reach approximations, point approximations, and head shaking. Both participant age groups of signers, on average, produced 2.38 signs. Adolescents used more clear signs (Mean rank = 28.5) compared to children (Mean rank = 22.5; U = 237.5, p = .037, r = .58). The primary sign function for both groups was to request (M = 1.5). The groups did not differ in any of the sign functions (see Figure 1).
Conclusions: Findings highlight potential motor difficulties as evident by the use of poorly formed gestures. However, both groups showed similar patterns in the use of communicative functions when using sign language (e.g., request). Overall, use of gestures and signs were very low, suggesting that MV individuals with ASD are not compensating for decreased verbal output via other modalities when engaging with a conversational partner.