Innovative Technology Demonstration

These poster presentations highlight an area of technology and its application to autism spectrum disorder.
Friday, May 16, 2014: 10:00 AM-1:30 PM
Meeting Room A601 & A602 (Marriott Marquis Atlanta)
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
202 A Computerised Approach to Interviewing for ASD: Evidence for 3di's Value in Translation, and International Compatibility with DSM-5 Criteria
R. H. Warrington, H. Berntsen, J. Chuthapisith, W. De La Marche, K. Lai, M. C. Lai, W. Mandy, S. Merelli, F. Mo, K. Puura, A. Rattazzi, D. H. Skuse and G. Slappendel
10:00 AM
203 A Manualized Wireless Moisture Alarm Intervention for Teaching Toileting in Children with Autism
D. W. Mruzek, S. A. McAleavey, W. A. Loring, E. Butter and T. Smith
10:00 AM
207 ASC-Inclusion � a Virtual Environment Teaching Children with ASC to Understand and Express Emotions
S. Newman, O. Golan, S. Baron-Cohen, S. Bolte, A. Baranger, B. Schuller, P. Robinson, A. Camurri, N. Meir-Goren, M. Skurnik, S. Fridenson, S. Tal, E. Eshchar, H. O'Reilly, D. Pigat, S. Berggren, D. Lundqvist, N. Sullings, I. Davies and S. Piana
10:00 AM
209 Capturing Social Motor Coordination in Children with Autism: Comparing the Microsoft Kinect, Video Analysis and Wireless Motion Sensor Tracking
V. Romero, J. L. Amaral, P. Fitzpatrick, C. L. Thomas, A. W. Duncan, H. Barnard, R. C. Schmidt and M. J. Richardson
10:00 AM
211 Children-Robot Interaction: Eye Gaze Analysis of Children with Autism during Social Interactions
S. Mavadati, H. Feng, S. Silver, A. Gutierrez and M. H. Mahoor
10:00 AM
212 Computational Vocal Arousal: An Objective Instrument for Studying Affect and Interaction in ASD
D. K. Bone, C. C. Lee, M. P. Black, M. E. Williams, S. Lee, P. Levitt and S. Narayanan
10:00 AM
214 Design and Preliminary Assessment of a Virtual Reality Driving Environment for Adolescents with ASD
J. W. Wade, D. Bian, L. Zhang, A. Swanson, M. S. Sarkar, Z. Warren and N. Sarkar
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
218 Evaluation of the Use of Mobile Video Modeling for Job Interviews
K. Nguyen, V. E. Custodio, R. Weiner, R. Ulgado, A. Waterhouse, L. O'Neal and G. R. Hayes
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
220 How Easy Are Children to Engage during Child-Adult Play? Using Electrodermal Activity As a Marker
J. Hernandez, I. Riobo, A. Rozga, G. D. Abowd and R. W. Picard
10:00 AM
221 Impact of Collaborative Ipad Game on Joint Engagement for Children with Social Skills Deficits
L. E. Boyd, G. R. Hayes, H. Fernandez, M. Bistarkey and K. Ringland
10:00 AM
222 Iterative Design of a System to Support Diagnostic Assessments for Autism Using Home Videos
N. Nazneen, A. Rozga, C. J. Smith, R. M. Oberleitner, G. D. Abowd and R. Arriaga
10:00 AM
223 Ka-O-TV: An Eye Gaze Detector for Early Diagnosis of ASD Phenotype
T. Haramaki, K. J. Tsuchiya, R. Nakahara, M. Wakuta, K. Suzuki, N. Mori and T. Katayama
10:00 AM
224 Live Internal State Interaction Monitor Using Google Glass + EDA
I. Riobo, A. Parnami, J. Hernandez and G. D. Abowd
10:00 AM
225 M-CHAT
J. Hawthorne
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
227 Paralinguistic Event Detection in Children's Speech
H. Rao, J. C. Kim, A. Rozga and M. A. Clements
10:00 AM
229 Quantifying Imitative Behavior Deficits in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
H. L. Miller, R. Patterson, D. Popa, C. Garver, C. de Weerd and N. Bugnariu
10:00 AM
230 Real-Time Eye Contact Detection System
Y. Liu, Y. Li, Z. Ye, F. De la Torre, A. Rozga and J. Rehg
10:00 AM
231 Response and Initiative Joint Attention in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-Tracking Study
L. Billeci, G. Crifaci, A. Narzisi, G. Campatelli, R. Siracusano, E. Maroscia, L. Ruta, C. Calzone, G. Tortorella, G. Pioggia and F. Muratori
10:00 AM
232 Self-Adjusting Biofeedback with a Dynamic Feedback Signal Set (DyFSS)
L. I. Sugarman, B. L. Garrison, A. E. Hope, S. Jacobs, A. J. Glade and K. L. Williford
10:00 AM
233 Sensorypaint: An Interactive Surface Supporting Sensory Integration in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders
K. Ringland, R. Zalapa, M. Neal, L. Escobedo, M. Tentori and G. R. Hayes
10:00 AM
236 Stories in Motion: A Pilot Study of a Social Visualization and Progress Monitoring Program for Elementary School Students with High Functioning Autism
D. Childress, A. Sam, K. T. Melillo, T. Henry, B. Cassell, P. Wood, C. Hehman and J. S. McMillen
10:00 AM
237 System for Facilitating Model-Driven Behavioral Therapy
R. Jakobovits, R. C. Bocirnea and S. L. Shook
10:00 AM
238 The Development of an Intelligent Virtual Reality Intervention Application
E. Bekele, J. W. Wade, D. Bian, L. Zhang, A. Swanson, M. S. Sarkar, Z. Warren and N. Sarkar
10:00 AM
239 The Missing Data of the App Phenomena
M. Eckhardt and R. W. Picard
10:00 AM
241 Using Mobile Technologies in-Situ to Train Examiners in the Behavioral Assessment of Infants and Toddlers
O. Ousley, C. Bridges, A. Southerland, A. Gupta, M. DiRienzo, A. L. Pavluck and J. Rehg
10:00 AM
242 Virtual Humans Simulating Joint Attention Based on Real-Time Eye-Tracking
O. Grynszpan, B. HAN, M. Courgeon, J. C. Martin and J. Nadel